
Hello World,

My name is Josh Patkin and I am 27 years old. I am using this website to essentially gather my thoughts on markets and to keep track of useful book quotes.

A little about me. I graduated in December 2018 from Northeastern University where I studied Economics and Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. I have passed all 3 levels of the CFA program, all 3 levels of the CMT program, and the first level of the CAIA program. I love doing research, I manage a few accounts, and I help my family with overall asset allocation.

My passion for markets really accelerated during my last internship of college. During this time period, I discovered a few great influences. First, one of my friends told me to begin listening to Peter Schiff. Second, two of my co-workers were economics majors and exposed me to the value of this study in relation to financial markets. Last, one my fraternity brothers exposed me to Austrian Economics and Libertarianism via the work of the Mises Institute. These three pieces of my learning journey caused many things to start to click, and I began to really accelerate with this foundation.

I see hard times ahead, which I get into in other website pages. At this point in time, I believe it is imperative to be aware and prepared.

I am always open to advice you may have for me. You can ask for my contact information via twitter. @joshpatkin

With that, thank you for reading and please enjoy the rest of this website.